F.Ingel. T.Ivaschenko, I.Sidorova, V.Safronov
A.N.Sysin Research Institute of Human Ecology and
Environmental Hygiene of Russian academy of medical
Sciences? Moscow, Russia , fainaingel@mail.ru
Previously we demonstrated that human stress expression
correlates with level of chromosomal aberrations in
blood cells, sensitivity of genome to environmental
mutagenic load and with level of toxic exposure. Therefore
we supposed that genetical predisposition to stress
expression could be exists, and it could be looking
for among family of genes, encoding enzymes of detoxification.
Materials and methods. Among workers of chemical plants
and control populations (totally 54 men at age of
43±3) we studied the GST super-gene family (GSTM1+/+
or GSTM10/0 and (GSTT1+/+ or GSTT10/0) and PON 54
gene polymorphism (L/L, L/M or M/M) as well as stress
expression. Level of stress was tested by block of
standard psychological questionnaires, detected psychological
depression, alarm, overfatigue and interpersonal relations.
Both GSTM1 and GSTT1genes ensure the synthesis of
the relevant products that belong to the Phase II
detoxification enzyme system, responsible for biotransformation
and degradation of certain electrophilic compounds.
PON 54 gene takes part in the Phase I of detoxification
enzyme system. GSTM1, GSTT1 and PON 54 genes polymorphism
analysis was carried out in blood samples as described
Results are present in the tables.
Correlation between deadaptive stress expression and
frequency of GSTM1 0/0 (PЈ0,05) was discover.
Discussion. Our results are in a good agreement with
H.Selye conception, in accordance with that stress
is first and normal reaction of an organism to any
influences. In dependence of power and/or duration
of influences and adoptive potential of an organism
stress expression is norm (adoptive) or deadaptive.
Minor alleles in genes, encoding enzymes of detoxification,
bind with decreasing of detoxificative functions of
their products. So, real toxic load to the organism
with tese alleles increases, what can be expressed
as deadoptive stress reaction.